Our Supporters

This Election Day, Medford finds itself at a turning point.
From pounding the pavement to serving in office, I’ve seen that behind each door, we are a city united in our aspirations: better schools for our kids, safer streets and sidewalks, and a more vibrant, inclusive, and affordable city where we aren’t just getting by but getting ahead.
That’s why, as your City Councilor, the toughest days are when I have to tell our neighbors that Medford can’t act because decades of underfunding is holding our city back and weighing all of us down.
Tomorrow, we have the chance to change this. Voting Yes on Questions 6, 7, and 8 will invest in Medford by investing in our schools, streets, and our fire headquarters.
As a Medford Public Schools grad, I’ve experienced the realities of classroom underfunding: teachers feel overstretched and underappreciated, students hold their breath each year anticipating cuts to arts and extracurriculars, and parents spend their hard earned money for outside tutors and private schools.
Voting Yes allows us to prevent devastating cuts to our schools, ensuring our kids have the teachers, literacy coaches, behavior specialists, administrative assistants, and nurses they need. It is an investment in our future, our public safety, and the returns from the investments folks have made by choosing to settle in Medford.
As a Medford resident, I know our infrastructure needs work. Driving on our roads should not feel like riding a rollercoaster – much less make our residents spend as much as they do on fixing their cars. Our sidewalks should not make our seniors worried about being injured on a walk or make new parents struggle with pushing their strollers. Our public buildings should not be falling apart. Full stop.
Voting Yes will allow us to hire an in-house street and sidewalk maintenance crew, allowing us to finally start to reverse our decades-worth backlog of repairs. It will free up our capacity to make much-needed repairs to our public facilities.
These are the reasons why I ran for office in the first place. Medford has fallen behind the rest of the state, spending less per person than our peers. The scarcity of our budget simply does not match the generosity of our ambition and our spirit. While we are implementing plans to increase our tax base that have already generated the highest growth Medford’s seen in decades, we need this funding now, before those projects are built.
Medford simply cannot afford what those who oppose this ballot measure promise: concepts of plans to kick the can down the road, revert to decades of disinvestment, and holding our needs hostage. The only plan is to dilly dally, dither, and delay. Medford cannot afford this.
It’s time to finally say Yes to invest in Medford. Let’s forge a new path forward and turn our vision for a brighter Medford into reality.
– Justin Tseng, Medford City Councilor
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